Sunday, August 18, 2013

11th Discovery about life in 2013

Life is not the struggle my thoughts tell me it is.

With all my discoveries lately I am realizing that most of my struggles are simply in my thoughts. The thoughts that come to me at times make me upset. 

Letting go of those thoughts worked for awhile but new thoughts of me being upset kept coming. 

Then one day I was reminded of the words I read once "I am not my thoughts". Then I remembered I am the seer, the doer. The thoughts are in my mind, but they are not me. I am the same person I was at 3 years old. I am here to discover and live this wonderful life. And at that moment I stopped listening to those thoughts in my mind and lived in the moment of what I was seeing and doing. Wow what a difference. I didn't feel any anger about the things I judged to be unfair. For I was filled with the moment and what I was doing with that moment. 

In my smash book, I find the words I wrote once.

Life is not a Battle

It just is....


Life is a gift from God!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

10th Discovery about life in 2013

Life is changing all the time.

The way I look at things around me changes. The way I approach my life is changing. And all the changes can seem over whelming at times. 

Can it be that simple to see change as acceptable and not something I need to fix? 

Are the thoughts that come at me and challenge everything around me, simply trying to fight change?

The more I read the Iyanla news letters the more I read about accepting God's will over what I so want. 

I believe God's will is the best for me. And yet I have spent a life time trying to control everything around me. 

I cannot control change. I cannot control what already happened. I really can't control anything. 

Somewhere in this life I picked up the idea that I had to control my life. And no wonder life has seemed so out of control for me. 

I am thankful for this blog. I am thankful for what I am learning and the changes in my life. 

Today I will choose to accept this day as it is. I will believe that God has the best plan for me. And I can stop fretting over all the things that may happen to day. 

Today I choose to see God working in me and through me. I choose to enjoy this wonderful life just the way He made it.   

Friday, August 9, 2013

9th Discovery about life in 2013

Life is so!

A couple of days ago I got up read the Iyanla newsletter. I discovered a brand new way to see my day. I went to work thinking about how God had already made the day and His plan is perfect. All I needed to do was trust Him. 

But that day I got to work 4 hours early for I had not paid attention to my schedule. So I decided how cool was that to have 4 hours to be out and about. I went to McDonald's and grabbed a bite to eat. Then I went to Joann's to look around. But as I was getting out of the car I discovered my back was missed up and I could hardly walk. I tried relaxing and walking slowly but the stress of the pain tired me out. When I got back in my car I was wondering how in the world was I going to be able to work. 

I remembered the wonderful thoughts I had so clearly that morning. How God made the day and already knew what would happen. So this was part of God's plan and even though I was not happy with the pain I was content in His plan. 

I went to Walmart the closest place that I could think of to get aspirin for the pain. I thought that Walmart had an eat in place also. I found the pills and a magazine. But no place to relax. So I went to Biggby Coffee and relaxed for a couple of hours. 

When I left the pain was still with me so I took two more pills. 

I walked slowly into JCPenney's not sure how I would work but I left that in God's hands. Then when I started my shift the pain was gone and I worked all day with no pain. 

Life is so. Living the life I have instead of focusing on what was or what will be is awesome. Focusing on God's presence more than what I want life to be is freedom. Freedom from mistakes and disappointments. 

I still have the old thoughts come that I start to think about and start to worry again, but I am able to see the moment and put the thoughts down and simply be where I am and let life be so! 


There is nothing to be healed
only God to be revealed.

God is Divine Intelligence. I now accept and allow the presence of God is being revealed as Divine Intelligence within me and all round me.

There is nothing to be healed
only God to be revealed.

God is Perfect Wisdom. I now accept and allow the presence of God is being revealed as perfect wisdom with me and all around me.

There is nothing to be healed
only God to be revealed.

God is Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth. I now accept and allow the abundance of God is being revealed as prosperity, abundance and wealth within me and all around me.

There is nothing to be healed
only God to be revealed.

Today, I ask for and open myself to receive the presence, power and divine revelation of God, Divine Intelligence, wisdom, prosperity, abundance and wealth to unfold in my mind, my heart, my life and all around my family with grace and ease.  

Now, I let it Be.

For all that is revealed to me this day, I Am grateful.

And So It Is!

Rev. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

8th Discover about life in 2013

Letting go of things to be happy!

15 Things to Give Up If You Want to Be Happy

Sunday, August 4, 2013

7th Discovery in 2013

Little miracles everyday

In the past few days I have been experiencing wonderful miracles in my life. 

Thursday, on my way home from work I started thinking about what I would like for super and decided not to get fast food. But I was really tired and didn't want to fuss with making anything when I got home. I started wishing that a certain frozen pizza was in the freezer when I got home. I knew I could go to target and purchase one, but I really didn't have the energy. This pizza has goat cheese, spinach and slices of tomato. It truly is the best frozen pizza I have ever tasted. Oh well I thought of something else simple I would make when I got home. I went to the fridge to get out what I wanted and for some reason I opened the freezer and low and behold there was the exact pizza I had been thinking about sitting in my freezer waiting for me. wow!

Friday, again driving home from work this time much later in the evening I kept thinking about a desert. Again I told myself no to take out. Besides everything that came to mind was not really what I was craving. Just as I got to Taco Bell the car in front of me turned in so I decided to follow. But the line of cars was to long of a wait at 11 pm. So I pulled out of line and left, but something told me to try Burger King next door. And there on the menu was just what I was craving and didn't know they had, a oreo milkshake. Again WOW!

Saturday, I didn't have to go into work until 5:30 pm. Lynette called and told me there was an art show in Northville. For me this was a miracle for I would have missed it and my schedule was just right for it. We went and I had the most amazing relaxing time I have ever had at an art fair. The weather was perfect. But most amazingly I was relaxed. Even though I had been working harder at work and even knew I had to go to work that evening. I was living in the moment the way I always dreamed that I wanted to live and for me that was the biggest miracle this week. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

6th Discover about life in 2013

Letting go a continuing process

Remember that every path walked is walked for a reason, and every day is full of blessings no matter how BIG or small.

Since I started this discovery blog I am finding that letting go of fear is an ongoing process.

Yesterday I talked with someone about a job. They asked me my biggest weakness. I could not answer for I was afraid that I am full of weakness and I don't want anyone to know. 

I seem to be reminded of that conversation over and over again. And I keep trying to let go. 

Each time the thought comes I feel my self pulled into judging myself about my weaknesses. Then of course I want to fix my weakness. I fell stuck for I am not letting go. 

I searched for freedom from this in quotes and reading inspiration. 

Life may be simple and I allow it to seem hard out of habit.  

There maybe an enemy that is trying to steel my peace.  

If I find the right quote maybe I will stop thinking about this fear. 

Is the fear a lie? I don't have any answers only questions. 

Whatever the reason I am afraid.... I let it go and give it up to a better way.

Whatever today holds I trust that I have everything I need. 

Yes life is full of blessings and I see them no matter how small they are. 

And yes I am happy no matter how many fears I may have.

Remember this, that very little is needed to make a happy life. -Aurelius

Sunday, July 28, 2013

5th Discovery about life in 2013

Learned I could get inspiration from Iyania Vanzant through Daily Stimu-Mail

In my last Oprah magazine I found an article about one of my favorite authors, Iyania Vanzant. I have quite a few of her books. I signed up my email and now I get daily inspiration from her.

Today I read about freedom. And I was reminded about this morning when I woke up and what  I thought about. I thought about the talk I had with Duke last night. I am more and more aware that our relationship is based on his happiness not mine. I feel tied to him because I want him to love me. He tells me nice stuff and catches me like a fish. But then he goes on about his life which really has nothing to do with me.  I try to stand up for my self and told him how I felt about us really not being together, he got scared and begged me to stay in his life.  So this morning I realized that I have longed to be loved my whole life by another person. Then when I read about freedom I realized that I can be free from the need to be loved, when I really feel free to love myself.

The application of Freedom

 Do we choose for ourselves that which we truly desire?Under most of the normal conditions and pressures of life, we do not.  We allow labels and expectations to keep us in boxes, then we cry out for freedom.  The entire purpose of life on earth is for us to be free, exercise free will, and choose the parameters of our freedom.
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Freedom is a state of mind.  It is the outgrowth of our willingness to make conscious choices of our own free will and to live through the consequences of our choices without blame, shame, or guilt.  Freedom is a sign of self-awareness.  When you are aware of what it takes to maintain your mental, emotional, and physical well-being and you make conscious choices toward that goal, you are exercising your freedom.Freedom is the recognition of the truth.
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You are powerful.You are unlimited.  You are the reflection of creative genius.  When you realize this truth and accept it as a fact of your reality, you know that you are free to choose whatever you believe to be the truest reflection of your identity.  Freedom requires consistent and repeated acts of courage.
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What you believe, how you feel, what you do, how you respond to any given circumstance at any given time is the only impediment to freedom.  You are always free to choose how you will respond.
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Are you courageous enough to live the truth of your desires without fear?  This is what will determine your freedom.  . . .  More important, once you are clear about the experience you want to have, you are free to make the choices that will result in your having that experience.
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When I realized that God, the divine source of life, not people, was the source and substance of all good things, I was freed from every "ism" that held me captive.

Excerpted from One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
Iyanla Vanzant